Blog #141, Day 151.

Monday January 23rd, 2017 at 9:51 PM.

I just had the biggest crisis I have had all semester.

I could not get my printer to work at all, and I had my map assignment due tomorrow at 8 AM. My professor also said that even if you only miss one assignment you are likely to fail the course.

I was panicked.

I only have two classes tomorrow, but they are both an hour and twenty minutes long.

My math proofs and structures class is still awful, and I have to do the entire assignment for Wednesday tomorrow, mostly because I have sent all day trying to do my map assignment, and an hour and a half was devoted to my printer issues.

I have not improved on procrastinating any less yet this semester. Hopefully I will. I honestly need to.

I got a large iced coffee from Tim Horton’s today, which is probably like a half-gallon of coffee, but I am not feeling to caffeinated.

Today my philosophy professor told us to start our addiction to caffeine. He also said that addiction problems are only bad when you don’t have any of what you are addicted to left.

I have to wake up in 9 hours. Blah.

I should definitely take a nap tomorrow. Well, actually I should do my math assignment.

I am officially stressed. Panicked. Rattled. All of the above.

It is now 10:00 PM.

My high of the day – when my printer started printing. My low of the day – when my printer would not print.



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