Blog #2095, Day 3015.

Tuesday April 7th, 2020 at 11:53 PM.

It has been one week since I last wrote a blog. I thought I may actually be done with it, but then tonight I just felt like I needed to write one.

Today was the first time I haven’t have to work in a week.

Yesterday, I opened and closed. I was there for over thirteen hours. I fell asleep as soon as I got home. I took over 26,000 steps yesterday.

I have to do the curbside at work now and it has been absolutely insane and annoying.

I don’t have to work tomorrow either. I might do schoolwork.

I did some homework today. Which is more than I have done in the past week.

It is now 11:56 PM.

I will probably end up falling asleep soon.



Blog #2094, Day 3006.

Tuesday March 31st, 2020 at 9:55 PM.

I just wrote blog posts for the past three days.

I had to work today. I was doing curbside orders and it was nonstop. Every time I would finish one, three more people would call.

I had to take a test today. It literally was just a waste of time.

I have an audit test that I will also have to take at some point.

Right now, I am laying in bed and that is all I plan on doing for the rest of the night.



Blog #2093, Day 3005.

Monday March 30th, 2020 at 11:08 PM.

I just finished watching TV with my mom.

I did not have to work today.

I didn’t do any school work.

My mom and I went shopping and then she made dinner.

So basically, the only thing I did today was eat dinner.

I have a test to take tomorrow. I didn’t study at all, but it’s online so what is the point.



Blog #2092, Day 3004.

Sunday March 29th, 2020 at 11:43 PM.

I had to open at work today. Everyone was a little grumpy this morning, but especially one person which kind of ruined my mood as well.

I have done absolutely no homework.

I have two tests this week and I really don’t plan on even “going” to my zoom class tomorrow.

It is now 11:44 PM.

I don’t have to work tomorrow, so I should probably do schoolwork. We’ll see.



Blog #2090, Day 3002.

Friday March 27th, 2020 at 11:59 PM.

I just got out of the shower.

I had to work today. I had at least 25 curb side orders, but the one manager wouldn’t let me start until like 10 AM, so I was behind the whole day. I just barely finished all of the ones I took before I left. I didn’t even get a break today, and I was there an extra hour.

I got home and took a nap. Then, I woke up just to lay in my bed. I almost went to bed, but then I got in the shower.

I also just realized how little school work I have actually done, but I am trying not to stress out.

It is now 12:52 AM.



Blog #2089, Day 3001.

Thursday March 26th, 2020 at 11:58 PM.

I just got home.

I went to my roommate’s house to work on our audit case. Then, we just hung out for a little bit. The audit case isn’t really done, but I am done working on it.

I had to work today. I did the curb side orders for most of the day. I also got to leave on time which was very nice.

I was asked to come in early tomorrow, but I was planning on it anyway.



Blog #2088, Day 3000.

Wednesday March 25th, 2020 at 11:56 PM.

I didn’t have to work today.

My mom and I went grocery shopping.

We also got take out from Chipotle.

Then, we took the dog to the park. I have never seen the park so packed.



Blog #2087, Day 2099.

Tuesday March 24th, 2020 at 10:41 PM.

I had to work today. I stayed an extra two hours until close. So I was there for over ten hours.

My hips hurt and I am pretty tired.

I did the curb side pick up for part of the day which wasn’t horrible, but still not great.

I got home from work and tried to do some homework, but none of my professors actually know how to use the internet, so they are all having issues.

I am still not really feeling great about yesterday. I think I realized that it was a really big step for me to take with someone who does not care about me at all. I really didn’t want to think that was the case, but that was a pretty big deal for me and he still hasn’t said anything. I am trying to be “cool” about it, but it is hurting my feelings.

It is now 10:46 PM.



Blog #2086, Day 2098.

Monday March 23rd, 2020 at 11:36 PM.

Today was a big day for me I guess.

I had sex for the first time. I probably shouldn’t have done it. He didn’t really say what I wanted him to when it was all said and done. It was incredibly un-intimate, which I thought I wouldn’t care about but turns out I did. I am not really upset about. And I don’t think I really regret it, it’s just like awkward now I guess. Sometimes I think about it and I gag. I don’t know why. That’s just the response I have to how it all went done. I guess I just feel a little embarrassed. It was also very awkward before it all happened.

That is basically all I could think about for the rest of the day.

I had to do a zoom class, but I spent the entire time packing up things in my room.

I am mostly moved out of my apartment. It’s kind of nice, because I won’t have to pay rent, but also I liked having my own space.

I literally can not stop thinking about it.



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